Skin cancer prevention refers to measures for the early detection of skin cancer, including regular skin examinations by a dermatologist. These preventive measures are particularly important because skin cancer is one of the most common cancers worldwide and, if detected early, can in most cases be treated well. The recommended skin cancer prevention measures include regular skin self-examinations and consulting a dermatologist if skin changes are suspected.

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Procedure for skin cancer prevention
Skin cancer screening can be carried out in different ways:
- Sun protection: The best prevention of skin cancer is protection from UV radiation. Avoid excessive sunbathing, apply sunscreen with a high SPF, and protect your skin from direct sunlight with clothing and hats.
- Skin self-examination: You should regularly examine your skin yourself for changes such as skin moles, moles or other irregularities. Pay attention to the size, shape, color and symmetry of the skin changes.
- Regular skin exams by a dermatologist: Once a year You should see a dermatologist for skin cancer screening. The doctor will examine your skin thoroughly for any abnormalities.
In order to detect and treat skin cancer early, it is important to have regular examinations and pay attention to changes in the skin.
AI supports skin cancer prevention
Picture: Copyright © 2023 FotoFinder Systems GmbH
Artificial intelligence (AI) can also be used in skin cancer prevention to make diagnosis more accurate and efficient. Some applications of AI in skin cancer prevention include:
- Automated image analysis: AI systems can analyze skin lesions in images and look for specific characteristics of melanoma and other skin cancers. This can help identify suspicious circumstances early and improve diagnostic accuracy.
- Educating dermatologists: AI can help assist dermatologists in diagnosing skin cancer by helping them identify abnormalities and assisting them in interpreting results.
The integration of AI in skin cancer prevention can therefore help to improve the early detection of skin cancer, increase the efficiency of diagnostic procedures and ultimately optimize treatment outcomes for patients. However, AI support does not replace the role of the dermatologist, but rather supports and complements it.
You are welcome to make a personal appointment for skin cancer screening.
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